Thursday, August 1, 2013

Goal Setting: Back to School Edition

Can you believe school is just about ready to start?! I can't believe today was our first full day back for staff. It was so great to see faces I hadn't see in a couple months and think about my clean slate for the year to come. With so many changes this year, I have been doing lots of thinking about my goals for this year.

Personal: I am still in the middle of my weight loss journey and need to make my health a priority. I need to leave school no later than 4:45 each day except Wednesday in order to workout as much as possible.

Organization: My email is constantly yelling at me that it's almost full and I need to delete items. I need to make sure documents and lesson materials aren't saved in my email but that I actually transfer them to my USB instead.

Planning: I (and the hubs) need this to happen at school as much as possible. I don't get as much work done as home and, frankly, can think of a million other things I'd rather do than plan when I'm at home. Plus, with my new AMAZING planner, I actually want to crack it open and get started :)

Professional: I am starting this year as a new 5th grade teacher (previously 4th grade) as well as a new grade level mentor. I want to learn as much as I can from my leadership team to mentor those around me. This will be a learning opportunity for me and I'm very excited to embrace it. I can't wait to help other amazing teachers :)

Students: I want my students to understand that math is fun, engaging, and part of their everyday world and not something to dread. I want to recognize their good behavior instead of always punishing the bad ones, and create an environment that they want to come to everyday.

Motto: Taking my school's motto for the year:  Be Positive in the Present. Look for the silver lining and find one, no matter how small. There will always be something to celebrate, and our outlook is so much better when we strive to look for the positive instead of dwelling on the endless days full of meetings, crazy children, and never ending paperwork not so positive :)

What do YOU want to accomplish this year??


  1. Hi Courtney,

    I am so excited to hear about your journey as a TAP mentor teacher. I am at a TAP school as well and hope to work my way up to mentor!

  2. Hi Emmy! I look forward to hearing from you and hope that your year is off to an amazing start! :)

    Frolicking in 5th
